
A collection of apologetic and encouraging notes for Christians in need of some power-boosts from time to time.

We move deeper in the book of DNA's blueprints for all of life to some of its more exotic chapters.
Another corner stone in evolutionary dogma is the alleged bestial lineage humans take from chimpanzees. This idea stemmed from J.B. Lamarck in the 1800s, then popularized by Darwin's book The Descent of Man in 1871.
You can blame it on the devil. He started this whole mess by posing an evil question: Yea, hath God said?
In 1859, Charles Darwin expressed a concern over the deficiency of transitional fossils in his book, "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life". He hoped that ensuing discoveries ...