
Grieve Not The Comforter

By Pas. Joe McKnight • Sunday, September 15, 2024

We examine the promise, person, and purpose of the Holy Spirit from John 14:15-27.

The Old Routine

By Bro. Vince Kluth • Sunday, September 8, 2024

Learn about how the old routine of the tabernacle and offerings described in Hebrews 9:6-10 is no longer needed, yet depicts a greater reality found in Christ.

What God Doeth, It Shall Be Forever

By Pas. Joe McKnight • Sunday, September 8, 2024

Whatever God does will last forever, as we see in Ecclesiastes 3:1-15; what are His everlasting works?

The Faith Of Thomas

By Pas. Joe McKnight • Sunday, September 1, 2024

Thomas is commonly labelled as "doubting" for his worst error, but gentle correction from the Lord led him to demonstrate great faith, as we see from John 20:19-31.

The Mercyseat

By Bro. Vince Kluth • Sunday, September 1, 2024

Consider the mercy seat described in Hebrews 9:5, focusing on its construction, its position, and the cherubims which surround it.

The Fear Of The Lord

By Pas. Joe McKnight • Sunday, August 25, 2024

The believer who fears the Lord is blessed with many promises and assurances, as we see from Psalm 34.

Altar Of Incense

By Bro. Vince Kluth • Sunday, August 25, 2024

Was the altar of incense inside or outside of the inner tabernacle? The answer to this seemingly simple question has very interesting ramifications.

A Tale Of Two Judges

By Pas. Joe McKnight • Sunday, August 18, 2024

Jesus delivers a powerful parable to remind us of the importance of persistent prayer and unwavering trust in God. Like the widow, we too find ourselves under unjust judges. This parable offers us divine encouragement to remain steadfast in our prayers and reliant on His justice and faithfulness.

Worldly Sanctuary

By Bro. Vince Kluth • Sunday, August 18, 2024

Hebrews 9:1-5 speaks of a worldly sanctuary and the items inside of it. This study slowly goes through each of the items in the Old Testament tabernacle and maps them to the New Testament meaning they symbolize. As a candle stick shining light on the Word, it is our duty to proclaim the glorious light of the gospel of Christ to the world. Special mention was given to Aaron's rod which budded, as a picture of the resurrection of man's heart to a fruitful life in Christ.

The Seven Thousand

By Bro. Vince Kluth • Sunday, August 11, 2024

Elijah, the great prophet of Jehovah, felt alone and believed his work to be fruitless, but the Lord encouraged him with fellowship and further prophecy, as we see from 1 Kings 18-19.

The Seven Incorruptibles Of Salvation

By Dr. Paul Elliott • Sunday, August 4, 2024

Dr. Paul Elliott speaks to us on the 7 incorruptibles in the Bible that pertain to our salvation, 4 of which relate to the nature of our God, and 3 relate to what believers are promised.

The Blessings Of A Fiery Furnace

By Pas. Joe McKnight • Sunday, July 28, 2024

The fiery furnace into which Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were cast was a place of purity, deliverance, liberty, victory, safety, and vindication, as we see from Daniel 3.

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