We’ve shown how the biology department at Evolution University face insurmountable challenges to justifying its existence. Nothing in chemistry wants to self-replicate, nor self-organize into DNA, nor self-create molecular motors, all simultaneously. Their last-ditch attempt to save the theory proposes a space alien dropped a seed of life on earth about a billion years ago. To find that alien, they turned to the astronomy department for help — and also to the federal government, who began funding them in the late 1960s. They called it SETI: the Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence.
To find a habitable planet revolving around a star stretches physical limits. It’s estimated there’s 100 billion galaxies in the cosmos, with 100 billion stars in our Milky Way galaxy. This adds up to one sextillion stars. That’s the number 1 followed by 21 zeros.[1] But a bigger conondrum remains: exactly what is SETI looking for? Yes - a sign of life, but what sign? A little green man waving back at them?
Early thoughts about signs of life were based on the state of our technology at the time. Early SETI astronomers searched for evidence of chemical compositions similar to earth. But that’s not life. Later, they sought signs of the most advanced technology at the time — a radio signal, which some said is the only indication of intelligent life. Massive telescopes were built to collect deep space signals (see photos). But a radio signal is not life either; in fact, they found fast-spinning stars called pulsars which emit radio waves.
While struggling to rectify their search methods during a 2018 conference, the scientists agreed they should look for the presence of purposeful signals, to rule out spurious emissions from pulsars. This required them to answer a basic question: what is intelligence? Intelligence, they concluded, is a fuzzy concept defined … as ‘a level of cognitive complexity.’ Intelligent beings harvest energy to perform work such as transportation, construction, and manufacturing, which would cause climate change. [2] They called these “technosignatures”.
But “technosignatures” work against their cause. SETI Institute's Jill Tarter (head of NASA's SETI program) said we need to be very careful about our language. SETI is not the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. We can't define intelligence, and we [certainly] don't know how to detect it remotely. [SETI] … is searching for evidence of someone else's technology. We use technology as a proxy for intelligence (emphasis, mine). [3] Like Pontius Pilate, their chief said “I don’t know what intelligence is”. Did she get paid to not do her job?
Why make such a statement? Because she knows “the adherents of Intelligent Design protest [and] point to SETI and say, … upon receiving a complex radio signal from space, SETI researchers will claim it as proof that intelligent life resides in the neighborhood of a distant star. Thus, isn't their search completely analogous to our own line of reasoning – a clear case of complexity implying intelligence and deliberate design?” [4] Evolutionists seek intelligence outside of earth through evidence of design, yet reject highly complex designs on earth as evidence of an intelligent designer. They can’t have it both ways.
Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, Him declare I unto you. God … made the world and all things therein, seeing that He is Lord of heaven and earth. God Almighty is that Alien they seek, who formed the cosmos. He displays His handiwork in the heavens above, imprints His image in our very being, and stamps His laws on our heart. He gave us a book we could understand. SETI appears to be a Silly Extraterrestrial Tracking Initiative Seeking Easy Taxpaid Income. Praise God He found – and founded– me!
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